What Does Def Mean In Python?

Familiarizing yourself with a computer programming language can be hard. For instance, there are tons of different functions that you must get to grips with before you can master this language.

While Python is one of the most accessible and widely used programming languages, it is nonetheless hard to know what every function does.

For instance, you might be wondering what “def” means in Python. If so, you have come to the right place. We’ll tell you everything that you need to know.

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What Does Def Mean?

What Does Def Mean In Python

In Python, “def” is a keyword. It is a shortened version of the word “define.” This keyword performs an important role, allowing you to define functions.

This keyword is put at the start of the function. Any keys in between the words “def” and “end” will be the function.

Essentially, “def” is a keyword that signals the start of a function. In contrast, the “end” keyword gestures that this function has concluded. You can interpret them as meaning start and finish.

How Do You Use “Def”?

When creating a function in a program, all you need to do is type the word “def” on your keyboard. This will automatically start a function. This is usually followed by parentheses (or brackets) and a colon to start the function. 

Indentations are utilized to create the body of the function. Otherwise, you will not be able to separate the function from its definition.

Once you have completed the function and got it to work, you can activate it by typing the function’s name and then adding a set of parentheses.

For the most part, you should also use the keyword “end” when you have finished the code. Otherwise, Python may assume that the code is still being entered.

However, this is not always the case and it will be dependent upon the type of function that you are creating.

What Is A Function?

Now that you know what def means in Python, you might be confused as to what a function is. Allow us to elaborate! A function is a long line of code.

These codes are used to get the program to do something. If you want it to perform an action, simply use a function.

Functions are useful because they make programs feel more manageable. They essentially make the program bitesize so that it is less overwhelming for the user. When it comes to changing a program, these functions make it easier to edit.

These functions also prevent the user from needing to repeat actions. This saves the user effort, as they will no longer have to manually perform the task.

How Do You Use A Function?

Functions can require some complex coding skills. If you are unfamiliar with Python, you may want to test the language for a while before you progress to functions. This is because functions are quite difficult for beginners.

You may need to experiment with the function until you get the ideal formula. This is especially true if you are working on an intricate formula that will need to perform multiple actions.

Also, you can search online for coding formulas if you are unsure. It can be hard to create a function from scratch, so you may want to search for some examples before you dive in.

What Are Keywords?

In Python and other programming languages, keywords are words that have importance. Essentially, they perform specific tasks within the coding language.

As a result, these keywords are used only for these purposes. For instance, they cannot be utilized as variable names. While regular keys can have multiple uses, keywords are restricted to their single function.

Alongside “def”, there are loads of different keywords in Python. Each of these keywords has an important role in coding. These keywords include:

  • Await
  • Else
  • False
  • Global
  • If
  • Lamda
  • Return
  • Yield

On the face of it, these keywords may seem like a random assortment of words. Yet, they all have important roles.

For instance, global is a keyword that can change variables that are not within the scope that is currently being used. These are called global variables, hence the name of the keyword.

If you are unsure of what these keywords refer to, there are loads of online resources that you can access. This is one of the main benefits of using Python.

As one of the most widely used programming languages, there are loads of users of Python. This has created a positive community whereby users can help those with less experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Advantages of Using Functions in Python?

If you are unsure of whether or not you should be using functions in Python, there are loads of advantages to them. These advantages include:

  • You can reuse these functions.
  • The code is broken into more practical chunks.
  • The program is clarified.
  • They prevent the repetition of code.

Therefore, functions can be very beneficial to the user. You should seriously consider using them if you regularly create codes.

What are the Different Types of Functions in Python?

There are three main varieties of functions in Python. The first one is built-in functions. This refers to functions that are pre-existing functions that are connected to Python. For example, the “help” function is built-in. 

The second type of function is known as a user-defined function (UDF). These UDFs are functions created by the user. If you are using the “def” keyword, this is the type of function that you are working with. Finally, there are also anonymous functions, which lack names.

How Many Keywords Are In Python?

It is estimated that there are 33 different keywords in this programming language. However, this number can change as more keywords are added to improve these functions.

Final Thoughts

The world of computer programming language is complex, particularly if you are new to it. This can make inexperienced programmers feel very confused.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you to better understand the “def” feature and the importance of functions. If you want to use functions, then “def” will play an essential role.

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